Counseling Associates, LLC



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Sierra Graham-Cooper

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What are the advantages of telemedicine?

How can telemedicine benefit me?

Telehealth has been shown to overcome barriers to health services caused by distance between patient and provider, access to reliable transportation, fragmentation of care due to gaps in time between appointments, and lack of available providers.

Telemedicine increases access to care

Distance and travel time between patients and care providers can limit access to care. Fortunately, telemedicine can overcome geographic barriers to healthcare, especially for specialized providers. Telemedicine can be particularly beneficial for patients in medically underserved communities and those in rural geographical locations where clinician shortages exist.

Telemedicine improves quality of care delivery

Telemedicine can improve the quality of care for patients with both medical and mental health conditions. A recent study showed that with telemedicine, patients had:

  • 38% fewer hospital admissions

  • 31% fewer hospital re-admissions

  • 63% more likely to spend fewer days in the hospital

  • Were more engaged in their healthcare

Telemedicine reduces healthcare costs

Telemedicine can increase efficiency of care delivery, reduce expenses of caring for patients or transporting to another location, and can even keep patients out of the hospital. In fact, one study showed that telemedicine care had 19 percent savings over inpatient care cost.

Telemedicine enhances traditional face-to-face medicine

A strong doctor-patient relationship is the foundation for high-quality patient care and reducing health care costs. Telemedicine should support, not replace, traditional care delivery. With telemedicine care providers can continue to care for patients in-person care while still providing the flexibility and convenience of seeing patients remotely for follow up visits, check-ups, and education when appropriate or necessary.

Telemedicine improves patient engagement and satisfaction

Telemedicine makes it easier and more convenient for patients to stay healthy and engaged in their health care. Patients love the convenience, flexibility and real-time care with their providers.

Telemedicine improves provider satisfaction

Being a healthcare provider today can be challenging and stressful at times. Telemedicine can improve job satisfaction by making it easier to meet with patients. Providers can use telemedicine to make it easier to balance their work and family life.